About me & my business
You like to know who you are working with… I get it! That’s why you clicked on this tab… so let me share my story and how I came to rock my little business ….nestled in Beerwah …surrounded by the stunning Glasshouse Mountains on one side and the stunning Sunshine Coast on the other!
My Personal Story
My name is Tara. I live in Beerwah with my Husband Daniel, 13 month old son Ethan and dog Chester.
I like to think I am quite a resilient person, but the last 2 years have tested that resilience to the core.
In early 2017 we found out we were expecting twins! However the joy was somewhat short lived as just after that I was struck with hyperemisis gravidarum – severe morning sickness that saw me lose 13kgs in a month or so and required several hospitalisations.
Then unexpectedly, I went into labour at only 27 weeks with the twin boys. Harrison and Ethan entered the world far too early. Sadly it was too much for our little Harrison and he gained his angel wings a short 8 days later.
Then we hoped, prayed and crossed everything for Ethan – who was born a micro prem at only 886 grams. It was a very long road home… he spent 256 days in hospital before being strong enough to come home.
I stayed down at Ronald McDonald House in Brisbane with Ethan and Daniel commuted daily from Beerwah. We were only home a few months then had to return for another 10 days for Ethan to have 7 hour surgery to completely remodel his skull. But now we are home… and happy. Ethan is delayed in many areas but powering along and catching up at his own pace.
So… in short… its been a journey. And I’ve been out of action – focusing on my family. But now I’m back, albeit with a 1 year old in tow who is permanently attached to an oxygen tank.
So sometimes I might struggle to take a phone call… or you might get reply emails at odd times of the day. But you can rest assured – with the same determination and positive attitude that got us through the last 2 years, I will do my absolute best to create the results your business needs. From time to time, I might also share info about NICU awareness month or World Prematurity Day. I think its important to raise awareness for these causes and all the amazing organisations that helped us through our darkest hours.

Business Owner
The Ignite Story
I started Ignite Digital Marketing after accidentally falling into this field and loving it. I have a Bachelor of Communications in Public Relations & Advertising and spent nearly 2 years working for an SEO company before the phrase ‘SEO’ was a common household term.
I eventually left that SEO business and came to work for the family business – Total Microsystems – an IT Support & Computer repair business based in Beerwah. With a 20 year history its a business that I have also taken responsibility for managing and growing.
I started offering website design and SEO to some of the Total Microsystems clients and from there, the rest is history. Ignite Digital Marketing was officially launched in 2010 as there was such demand for these services that I decided to branch off and create a web division to sit alongside our tech division.
Our Philosophy
I am not about being the best at everything. But I do have a core set of strengths that when put to good use, can propel your business or organisation in front of your prospective customers. From responsive website design to SEO to social media to local search optimisation.
I believe in, as much as possible, “do it once and do it properly” – or at the very least… get a solution that can grow with your business. Nothing worse than having to start from scratch because of a limiting solution put in place years ago.